Monday, December 8, 2008

Star Plot

Star plots are useful for comparing multiple variables. As in this star plot, with each vehicle 7 variables are plotted. With fuel prices high it is important to note that according to the plot the Toyota Corolla has the highest MPG.

Similarity Matrix

This is a similarity matrix that is used to visualize the similarity of 512 photographs on a scale of 0 to 1. Blue showing the least similarity and red showing the greatest similarity. The dark red areas of the diagonal line show a similarity of 1.

Stem and Leaf Plot

This is a stem and leaf plot that illustrates arm span. The plot shows that a majority of the students have an arm span of 140-159 cm. Also, the mode of this data set would be 150 cm.

Box Plot

This is an example of a box plot. The box in the center of the line represents the middle 50% of the data gathered, with the upper 75th percentile in the upper division of the box and the lower 25th percentile in the lower division of the box. The whiskers, or lines on either end of the box, indicate the highest and lowest data values.


This is a histogram showing the heights of black cherry trees. The most frequent height recorded is 75 feet, at a frequency of 10. The lowest frequency, of 2 trees, had a height of 85 feet.

Parallel Coordinate Graph

This parallel coordinate graph is used to explore the relationships between several variables. Each variable is graphed on the vertical axiz, and expressed with a different shade of color.

Triangular Plot

This triangular plot shows the possible fractions of the population that are voting in the general election in the UK. The white circle in the plot represents the current estimate by opinion polls, which looks to be represented as the Labour and Liberal Democrat vote.


This windrose is used to show how wind speed and direction are typically distributed in a given location. According to the windrose, a significant amount of the wind energy is coming from West by Northwest.


This climograph, plotted in monthly intervals, is a representation of the relationship between the temperature and precipitation in Fairbanks. The red line illustrates the maximum temperature and the blue line shows the minimum temperature. According to climograph, the coldest possible temperature was in January at around -15 degrees (F). The green bars show precipitation.


Scatterplots are used to show the relationship between two variables. The upward trend of this scatterplot illustrates a positive association between the two variables. A downward trend would have indicated a negative association.

Index Value Plot

In this map an index value is plotted instead of an absolute number. On this map, the index is based on relative daily closings in given countries (Canada, France, Germany, Japan, UK, US) from 1992-2004. From the map, we can see that in 2000, Germany's relative daily closing were significantly higher than the other countries listed.

Accumulative Line Graph or Lorenz Curve

The Lorenz Curve is the dotted lined between the light and dark purple shading, and shows income distribution among a specified population. Because the Lorenz Curve slopes downward, we can see that a small percentage of the population earns a disproportionately large income.

Bilateral Graph

A bilateral graph is a visualization graph. On this graph, the two related variables are the demand deposits and the long term deposits. The graph also depicts positive and negative values. The postive values are above the zero line, and negative values below the zero line.

Nominal Area Choropleth Map

This is a nominal area choropleth map showing the percentages of minority groups in each state. The data is nominal because is put into categories that cannot be measured or ordered. However, it is still clearly defined through the use of color.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Unstandardized Cholopeth Map

This is an unstandardized cholopeth map of North Carolina. It is a unstandardized choropleth map because there is no specific ranking for any of the classes; the map is unordered. The shades of red and orange are used to distinguish between the survey types.

Standardized Choropleth Map

This is an example of a Standardized Choropleth Map because it measures the population in the United States (Census 2000) per square mile. The shades are purple are also used to illustrate the population; the darker shades representing a higher population per square foot. According to the map, New Jersey has one of the most populated states with the population showing +1000 per square mile.

Univariate Choropleth Map

Univariate choropleth maps display a single data set. This is a univariate choropleth map of the United States, which illustrates the obesity in the United States in 2008. Mississippi is the fattest state, which is shown through the red coloring of the state on the map. Further, this is a choropleth map because of the usage of shading and/or color to show the measured variable.

Bivariate Choropleth Map

This is a bivariate map that shows cotton production in 1860 and the recent presidential election results (2008). Each dot represent 2000 bales of cotton produced. The election results are represented by the color of the counties; red representing McCain and blue representing Obama, with darker hues representing larger majorities. Bivariate maps, like the one above, show two different vairables on a single map.

Unclassed Choropleth Map

This is an unclassed choropleth map that represents the divorce rate in the United States in 1990. The highest intensity being the darkest shade of teal. From my observations, Nevada contains a high frequency of divorce. (page 2)

Classed Choropleth Map

This is a classed choropleth map of the United States from the 2000 Census. It gives a ratio of males to every 100 females. It is divided into four classes that are distinguishable by shades of yellow, orange, and red. The main objective of classed choropleth maps, like this one, is to determine height and shading or color intensity for each class.

Range Graded Proportional Map

Range graded proportional maps depict circles in ranges of data. In this case, the ranges are population of settlements. According to the map, the largest settlement population seems to be East of Parkany. (311)

Continuously Variable Proportional Circle Map

This is a continuously variable proportional circle map. The size of the circles are proportional to the amount of Olympic Medals won by the country, and are not limited to a scale. The United States won the most amount of medals, 102, which is illustrated by the largest circle. As you can also see, Russia is a little smaller, having won 92 medals.


This is a grayscale DOQQ image of a portion of Lombard, IL. DOQQ images are computer generated aerial photographs where the displacements caused by the camera and terrain have been removed, and combines the qualities of a photograph with those of a map.

DEM - Digital Evaluation Model

This is an example of a shaded relief DEM map. They are commonly built using remote sensing. This DEM map is a digital representation of the ground surface and/or terrain.

Monday, December 1, 2008

DLG - Digital Line Graph

Digital line graphs are digital vector representations of cartographic information, such as features from topographic or planimetric maps or Aariel photos. This map illustrates contours, roads, section lines, lakes and streams that were created from a portion of the sample dataset.

DRG - Digital Raster Graphic

Digital Raster Graphics are scanned images of topographic maps. This image is a DRG of Hartford, CT taken from the U.S. Geological Survey.


An isopleth is a contour line that can be used to map surface elevations, amounts of precipitation, atmospheric pressure, and other measurements that are viewed in 3D in a 2D format. These maps contain an isopleth interval of 10.